HTTP::Browscap - Get web browser information by specific browscap.ini file
use HTTP::Browscap;
my $agent='Mozilla/4.8 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.19 i686; Nav)';
my $browscap = new HTTP::Browscap('/path/to/browscap.ini'); $browscap || die("Browscap did not initialize: $!"); if(length($browscap->{'errors'})) { print "Browscap file errors:\n". join("\n ", @{$browscap->{'errors'}})."\n"; }
my $browser = $browscap->identify($agent); $browser || die("Error getting browser info: $!"); print "Browser ".$browser->{'browser'}. " version ".$browser->{'version'}. " on platform ".$browser->{'platform'}."\n";
$browscap->parse('/path/to/another/browscap.ini') || die("Browscap did not initialize: $!");
my $platform=$browscap->identify_variable($agent, 'platform'); $platform || die("Cannot get browser platform: $!"); print "Browser platform: $platform\n";
The HTTP::Browscap object tries to get as much information about web browser comparing its User-Agent identification to a special database in browscap.ini file. If calling a Perl script via CGI, the browser identification string can be found in environmental variable $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}.
Per browser can be set these variables: browser, version, minorver, majorver, platform, authenticodeupdate, css, frames, iframes, tables, cookies, backgroundsounds, vbscripts, javascript, javaapplets, javaappletsframes, activexcontrols, height, width, ak, sk, cdf, aol, beta, win16, netclr and special variable parent.
You can find various browscap databases on the internet free for download, for example on or
You can of course try to find your own favourite on ;-)
Another Perl module HTTP::BrowserDetect.
C. McCohy <> Feel free to report bugs, suggestions or comments.
Copyright 2003 C. McCohy. This program is free soft, distribute it and/or modify it under the terms as Perl itself.